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601 NW 5th St. GRANTS PASS, OR 97526

(541) 474-5123

Welcome to Public Safety Citizens Service Portal

Welcome to the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office Crime Reporting System. If this is an Emergency please call 911 immediately. Using this system allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the report for free. The report will be reviewed for content by Sheriff’s Office personnel. Please confirm the following to find out if filing online is right for you:

  • Is this a non-emergency?
  • Is this not currently in progress?
  • Did this occur within the jurisdiction of the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office?
  • Did this not occur on a state freeway or major highway?
Please Note:

  • All cases filed online will be reviewed.Upon review, if further investigation is needed, you may be contacted.
  • The report MUST be factual.
  • Filling a false police report is a crime.
  • This reporting system does not provide emergency services and is not an alternative to emergency services.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do I do if my situation is an emergency?
A: Call 911 right away. Do not attempt to file your report online.

Q: What do I do if my incident happened in another city?
A: Do NOT file an online report with the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO). It will not be accepted.
Contact the police agency for the jurisdiction in which the incident occurred.

Q: What if I think I know who did this?
A: Complete the online report. The report will be reviewed by JCSO personnel and, if further investigation is deemed necessary, you will be contacted.

Q: If I have not completed the report correctly, or there is more information needed, how will I be contacted?
A: You will most likely receive an e-mail, but you may receive a phone call or letter.

Q: Will my case be investigated?
A: Maybe. The online report will be reviewed by JCSO personnel, and it will be determined if further
investigation will be conducted.

Q: What if I want to talk to a deputy about my case instead?
A: You can contact the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office at (541) 474-5123.

Q: What if I want to add information to incident that I have already reported?
A: Email your information to be sure to include your CSP reference
number or case number in the subject line.

What are you Reporting?

Please SELECT from the list below by clicking the row that best reflects the type of report you want to file.

After selecting the report type you can move to the next tab by clicking next or by using the tabs on the top of the screen.

Select Report Type Definition Example Property Vehicles Media MoreNames RequireProperty RequireVehicle
Abandon Auto A vehicle has been left for more than 24 hours in an area where it does not belong. There is an abandoned vehicle on a PUBLIC road or property.
Animal Problem An aggressive, nuisance animal that has attacked a person. You or someone you know has been injured by an animal, or there is a large animal in the road creating a hazard. For reports of animal neglect or nuisance animals (e.g. a dog running loose).
Assult/DOM. Abuse NOT IN PROGRESS: The act of causing physical damage to another person, spouse, or domestic partner. You or someone you know has been the victim of assault or domestic abuse. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Burglary Entering into a building illegally with the intent of committing a crime, especially theft Someone has unlawfully entered your residence, business, garage, outbuilding or other structure. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Child Abuse The physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of a child/children You know or have viable reason to believe that a child is being abused or neglected. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Counterfeiting An exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud You receive a counterfeit $20 bill
Driving Complaint Someone is driving in a way that is dangerous to you or others If not in progress, you will need to provide a license plate for law enforcement action to be possible.
Drug-Related Illegal drug activity is occurring at a specific location or by a specific person. You know or have viable reason to believe that illegal drug activity is occurring. You will need to provide a location or suspect information for law enforcement action to be possible.
Elder Abuse An assault or neglect against an elderly person You or someone you know has been the victim of assault or elder abuse or neglect. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Forgery The producing of a false copy of a document, signature, banknote or work of art. You have been given a check for products or services that is not associated with a bank account; a legal document (deed) has been forged to show someone else as the owner of property.
Found Property You located property that belongs to another person.
Fraud/ID Theft Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain This offense includes: A person gives you a check that would have been negotiable had money been in the account. A person uses your credit card number to obtain goods or services without your permission. NOTE: Unless monetary loss was suffered, Internet and phone scams should be reported to the Attorney Generals office by calling 1-877-877-9392. They maintain a scam database and make notifications to the public.
Fugitive Tip A person is wanted by law enforcement authorities because of a crime they committed You know the location where a person who has a valid warrant either lives or frequents
Harassment A feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented
Hit and Run Personal or property damage is caused by a person that flees the area. Someone damaged property or injured person(s) with his or her vehicle and fled the scene.
Liquor Law A business is failing to comply with Oregon state liquor laws. A Convenience store is selling alcohol to a minor.
Littering Discarding rubbish, trash, garbage, or other refuse upon the land of another without permission of the owner, or upon any public way. A person dumps a pick-up load of trash on your property or next to a road.
Lost Property You have lost property You lost a watch or other item of value while visiting a park.
Menacing A person has intentionally attempted to place you in fear of imminent serious physical injury A former boyfriend is threatening to injure you or your child
Minor in Possession A person under the age of 21 in possession of and possibly consuming alcohol You are aware of a teenager that has obtained alcohol and is planning on sharing it with other under-age individuals
Motor Veh Accident A collision where deputies did not respond at the time of the incident or occurred on private property, and a case number is required for insurance purposes. A minor collision occurred in the QFC parking lot, and you need to file a report and obtain a case number for your insurance company. (WSP accident reporting forms are also available at this office during business hours.)
Noise Complaint Intentionally or recklessly making, or allow unreasonable noise which annoys or alarms one or more persons Loud music that can be heard from several houses away is occurring after 10pm and before 6am or; Substantially affects another’s ability to sleep, carry on a conversation or penetrates the privacy of another’s living area (dwelling). (must last longer than 45 minutes)
Prowler A person who is lurking around your residence or business in such a way that you believe they intend to commit a crime. Your security light is repeatedly activated by an individual that is walking around your property, but does not have your permission to be there.
Restraining Order A court order prohibiting contact between two persons due to harassing or menacing by one of those people against the other A respondent in a valid restraining or stalking order has made prohibited contact, in person or by other means, with the petitioner. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Sexual Assault Causing another person to engage in sexual activity without their consent You or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Stolen Vehicle Stolen/Missing Vehicle Report. Stolen/Missing Vehicle Report.
Suspicious Incident An event or situation that you believes requires a law enforcement response or investigation You found bones in your backyard that you believe may be from human remains
Suspicious Person A person or vehicle in an area that are out of place/do not belong. You see or have repeatedly seen a suspicious vehicle or person whom you believe has intent to commit a crime.
Theft The crime of stealing Your property or vehicle has been stolen. You must be the owner of the property or vehicle to make the report, unless you are under 18 years of age, in which case your parent/guardian can make the report for you. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Trespassing An unwanted person is on your property or remains on your property after being told to leave. An unwanted person is on your private residential or business property. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Vandalism Action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property Your property or vehicle has been damaged. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Weapon Complaint Someone has brandished a weapon or has been shooting in an unsafe manner. A neighbor is shooting a weapon in such a way that they may injure a person on your property.
Type Abandon Auto
Example There is an abandoned vehicle on a PUBLIC road or property.
Type Animal Problem
Example You or someone you know has been injured by an animal, or there is a large animal in the road creating a hazard. For reports of animal neglect or nuisance animals (e.g. a dog running loose).
Type Assult/DOM. Abuse
Example You or someone you know has been the victim of assault or domestic abuse. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Type Burglary
Example Someone has unlawfully entered your residence, business, garage, outbuilding or other structure. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Type Child Abuse
Example You know or have viable reason to believe that a child is being abused or neglected. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Type Counterfeiting
Example You receive a counterfeit $20 bill
Type Driving Complaint
Example If not in progress, you will need to provide a license plate for law enforcement action to be possible.
Type Drug-Related
Example You know or have viable reason to believe that illegal drug activity is occurring. You will need to provide a location or suspect information for law enforcement action to be possible.
Type Elder Abuse
Example You or someone you know has been the victim of assault or elder abuse or neglect. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Type Forgery
Example You have been given a check for products or services that is not associated with a bank account; a legal document (deed) has been forged to show someone else as the owner of property.
Type Found Property
Example You located property that belongs to another person.
Type Fraud/ID Theft
Example This offense includes: A person gives you a check that would have been negotiable had money been in the account. A person uses your credit card number to obtain goods or services without your permission. NOTE: Unless monetary loss was suffered, Internet and phone scams should be reported to the Attorney Generals office by calling 1-877-877-9392. They maintain a scam database and make notifications to the public.
Type Fugitive Tip
Example You know the location where a person who has a valid warrant either lives or frequents
Type Harassment
Type Hit and Run
Example Someone damaged property or injured person(s) with his or her vehicle and fled the scene.
Type Liquor Law
Example A Convenience store is selling alcohol to a minor.
Type Littering
Example A person dumps a pick-up load of trash on your property or next to a road.
Type Lost Property
Example You lost a watch or other item of value while visiting a park.
Type Menacing
Example A former boyfriend is threatening to injure you or your child
Type Minor in Possession
Example You are aware of a teenager that has obtained alcohol and is planning on sharing it with other under-age individuals
Type Motor Veh Accident
Example A minor collision occurred in the QFC parking lot, and you need to file a report and obtain a case number for your insurance company. (WSP accident reporting forms are also available at this office during business hours.)
Type Noise Complaint
Example Loud music that can be heard from several houses away is occurring after 10pm and before 6am or; Substantially affects another’s ability to sleep, carry on a conversation or penetrates the privacy of another’s living area (dwelling). (must last longer than 45 minutes)
Type Prowler
Example Your security light is repeatedly activated by an individual that is walking around your property, but does not have your permission to be there.
Type Restraining Order
Example A respondent in a valid restraining or stalking order has made prohibited contact, in person or by other means, with the petitioner. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Type Sexual Assault
Example You or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Type Stolen Vehicle
Example Stolen/Missing Vehicle Report.
Type Suspicious Incident
Example You found bones in your backyard that you believe may be from human remains
Type Suspicious Person
Example You see or have repeatedly seen a suspicious vehicle or person whom you believe has intent to commit a crime.
Type Theft
Example Your property or vehicle has been stolen. You must be the owner of the property or vehicle to make the report, unless you are under 18 years of age, in which case your parent/guardian can make the report for you. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Type Trespassing
Example An unwanted person is on your private residential or business property. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Type Vandalism
Example Your property or vehicle has been damaged. IF IN PROGRESS, CALL 911.
Type Weapon Complaint
Example A neighbor is shooting a weapon in such a way that they may injure a person on your property.

Who is Making this Report?

Please provide your information below.

Information that is required to complete this tab are marked with a red label.

Personal Information:

First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:



Date Of Birth

DL Number:

DL State:

Contact Information:

If possible, please provide the following:

  • The best address to contact you at.
  • The best phone number for each one listed.
  • The best e-mail address to reach you at.

Address :

Apt #:



Zip Code :

Home Phone :

Cell Phone :

Work Phone :

Email Address :

If you are reporting for a business enter the Business Name:

Where did the Incident Happen?

Please let us know where the incident occured.

Information that is required to complete this tab are marked with a red label.


Address :

Apt #:



Zip Code :

If the location of the incident is the same as the address entered on the previous page, click here.

Time Occurred:

When did the incident take place? Please provide the closest time when the incident occurred.

If you know how long the incident lasted, please enter that as well.

If you cannot provide a timeframe, please use the current time.

Manual Input Range Selector

Start Date:

End Date:

Start Time:

End Time:



Are you able to identify someone involved?

If you are able to provide any information on a suspect, enter any valid information below.

Information that is required to add a person are marked with a red label.

Identification Information:


First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:



Date Of Birth



Involvement Name Identification Description Edit Remove

Was Personal Property Involved?

If any Personal Property was involved, please describe each item below.
You can enter as many items as necessary.
Information that is required to insert an item are marked with a red label.

Property Information:

Reason for Report:

Type of Property:


Reported Value :

Brand Make :



Serial Number:

Applied Number:

Description of Item:


Type Brand Model Description Edit Remove

Vehicle Information

If any Vehicles were involved, please describe each item below.
You can enter as many items as necessary.
Information that is required to insert an item are marked with a red label.

VIN and License Plate Number are marked as required, however only one of them needs to be entered to be able to save the vehicle.

Vehicle Information:



Vehicle year:

License Plate Number:

LP State:

Vin Number:

Vehicle Style:

Vehicle Type:

Damage Amount:

Color Top:

Color bottom:

Description of Item:

Vehicle Year Make Model License Plate Edit Remove

Tell Us What Happened

Please describe the crime and provide as much detailed information as you can about the case and any other information that you feel is important to the investigation of the case.

You will have an opportunity to put more detailed information about vehicles and property later in the report.


Upload Images

If there are any images that can be associated with this report, the images can be included by clicking the Choose File button.

Image Comment Remove

Summary of Incident

Please review the summary of the case, and verify that the information is correct.

If any information is not correct, click the edit button above the information you want to edit.

If you start a new report without submitting this one, you will have to re-enter the information.

If all of the information shown is correct click the "Submit Report" button. You will be shown your case reference number and be able to print the report.


Your report has been successfully submitted and will be reviewed by the agency. If you would like a printed copy of the preliminary report please select the "Print Report" button.