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(541) 947-6027

Welcome to Public Safety Citizens Service Portal

This site provides public access to crime information for the jurisdiction serviced by the participating agencies. In addition, it contains easy links that allow you to submit crime reports to the participating agencies. The goal of this site is to improve communications between the public and the local public safety agencies. It is also an effort to streamline essential services and reduce the costs of local government. The participating agencies thank you for visiting the site and for your continued support of our common objectives. We also solicit your feedback and suggestions for improving our services and the site. This web site does not provide emergency services and is not an alternative to emergency services.

If you have an emergency please communicate with the appropriate public safety agency for your area via the 911 emergency number.

Disclaimer: The information provided on the web site is general information for public use. Neither Executive Information Services, Inc. nor the participating agencies make any warranty, representation, or guarantee as to the content. All data contained on this site is distributed 'As Is' neither Executive Information Services, Inc. nor any of the participating agencies (participants) make any representation about the suitability or accuracy of this data for any purpose; and make no warranties, either express or implied, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no case shall the participants be liable for any loss or damage resulting from use of the website or data herein.

What are you Reporting?

Please SELECT from the list below by clicking the row that best reflects the type of report you want to file.

After selecting the report type you can move to the next tab by clicking next or by using the tabs on the top of the screen.

Select Report Type Definition Example Property Vehicles Media MoreNames RequireProperty RequireVehicle
Abandoned Vehicle A vehicle that is abandoned on a public roadway and is not an immediate traffic hazard. A vehicle legally parked along a roadway for over 24 hours
Animal Complaint An animal is being a nuisance by barking or running loose in the area. A dog barking or there are dogs or livestock loose on a roadway or on private property.
Burglary NOT IN PROGRESS....Unlawful entry to a residence, shed, outbuilding, barn, etc. Someone entered the residence or garage and removed items or created damage while inside.
Harassing Phone Call Unwanted phone calls of an annoying, harassing or threatening nature. Immediate hang-ups, obscene language, etc..., with no known suspects.
Hit and Run Leaving the scene of a non-injury accident without providing required license, insurance or vehicle information. Damage caused by another in which the driver should have left information or fled the scene without stopping to exchange information.
Identity Theft Obtaining someone else's personal identifying information and using it to obtain credit, goods or services. Someone obtains a credit card using your S.S.N. or obtains phone service using your personal information.
Lost Property When property is missing or lost. Property that is missing, leaving items in restaurant, etc.
Suspicious Circumst. Something occurred which was out of the ordinary and may lead to a crime. Examples may be finding a broken house key in your front door, receiving strange phone calls, receiving strange letters, etc..
Theft Your property is taken without your permission. Property known to be stolen and missing may be reported. Lost property is not a theft.
Theft from a Vehicle Property is stolen from a motor vehicle. Stolen equipment or belongings from a vehicle.
Vandalism The act of changing, modifying or defacing public or private property. Graffiti, knocking over mail box, throwing rock through windows, keying a vehicle, etc.
Vehicle Crash A non-injury vehicle crash where the police did not respond at the time of the incident but a police report is required for insurance purposes. A collision that has occurred where no one was injured. The insurance forms can be picked up at the DMV or local law enforcement office.
Type Abandoned Vehicle
Example A vehicle legally parked along a roadway for over 24 hours
Type Animal Complaint
Example A dog barking or there are dogs or livestock loose on a roadway or on private property.
Type Burglary
Example Someone entered the residence or garage and removed items or created damage while inside.
Type Harassing Phone Call
Example Immediate hang-ups, obscene language, etc..., with no known suspects.
Type Hit and Run
Example Damage caused by another in which the driver should have left information or fled the scene without stopping to exchange information.
Type Identity Theft
Example Someone obtains a credit card using your S.S.N. or obtains phone service using your personal information.
Type Lost Property
Example Property that is missing, leaving items in restaurant, etc.
Type Suspicious Circumst.
Example Examples may be finding a broken house key in your front door, receiving strange phone calls, receiving strange letters, etc..
Type Theft
Example Property known to be stolen and missing may be reported. Lost property is not a theft.
Type Theft from a Vehicle
Example Stolen equipment or belongings from a vehicle.
Type Vandalism
Example Graffiti, knocking over mail box, throwing rock through windows, keying a vehicle, etc.
Type Vehicle Crash
Example A collision that has occurred where no one was injured. The insurance forms can be picked up at the DMV or local law enforcement office.

Who is Making this Report?

Please provide your information below.

Information that is required to complete this tab are marked with a red label.

Personal Information:

First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:



Date Of Birth

DL Number:

DL State:

Contact Information:

If possible, please provide the following:

  • The best address to contact you at.
  • The best phone number for each one listed.
  • The best e-mail address to reach you at.

Address :

Apt #:



Zip Code :

Home Phone :

Cell Phone :

Work Phone :

Email Address :

If you are reporting for a business enter the Business Name:

Where did the Incident Happen?

Please let us know where the incident occured.

Information that is required to complete this tab are marked with a red label.


Address :

Apt #:



Zip Code :

If the location of the incident is the same as the address entered on the previous page, click here.

Time Occurred:

When did the incident take place? Please provide the closest time when the incident occurred.

If you know how long the incident lasted, please enter that as well.

If you cannot provide a timeframe, please use the current time.

Manual Input Range Selector

Start Date:

End Date:

Start Time:

End Time:



Are you able to identify someone involved?

If you are able to provide any information on a suspect, enter any valid information below.

Information that is required to add a person are marked with a red label.

Identification Information:


First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:



Date Of Birth



Involvement Name Identification Description Edit Remove

Was Personal Property Involved?

If any Personal Property was involved, please describe each item below.
You can enter as many items as necessary.
Information that is required to insert an item are marked with a red label.

Property Information:

Reason for Report:

Type of Property:


Reported Value :

Brand Make :



Serial Number:

Applied Number:

Description of Item:


Type Brand Model Description Edit Remove

Vehicle Information

If any Vehicles were involved, please describe each item below.
You can enter as many items as necessary.
Information that is required to insert an item are marked with a red label.

VIN and License Plate Number are marked as required, however only one of them needs to be entered to be able to save the vehicle.

Vehicle Information:



Vehicle year:

License Plate Number:

LP State:

Vin Number:

Vehicle Style:

Vehicle Type:

Damage Amount:

Color Top:

Color bottom:

Description of Item:

Vehicle Year Make Model License Plate Edit Remove

Tell Us What Happened

Please describe the crime and provide as much detailed information as you can about the case and any other information that you feel is important to the investigation of the case.

You will have an opportunity to put more detailed information about vehicles and property later in the report.


Upload Images

If there are any images that can be associated with this report, the images can be included by clicking the Choose File button.

Image Comment Remove

Summary of Incident

Please review the summary of the case, and verify that the information is correct.

If any information is not correct, click the edit button above the information you want to edit.

If you start a new report without submitting this one, you will have to re-enter the information.

If all of the information shown is correct click the "Submit Report" button. You will be shown your case reference number and be able to print the report.


Your report has been successfully submitted and will be reviewed by the agency. If you would like a printed copy of the preliminary report please select the "Print Report" button.