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100 High St NE SALEM, OR 97301

(503) 588-5094

Welcome to Public Safety Citizens Service Portal


Welcome to the Marion County Online Reporting System. If this is an Emergency please call 911 immediately.
Using this online citizen police reporting system allows you to submit a report immediately to the Marion County Sheriff's Office.
The following conditions must be met to be eligible for online reporting.
Reporting Criteria
If you answer NO to all of the following questions, you may file your report online.
  • Is this an emergency? If so, dial 911.
  • Did the incident happen outside the Marion County Sheriff’s Office Jurisdiction?
  • Unsure if you are in the Marion County Sheriff’s Office Jurisdiction Click Here
  • Do you know the suspect(s) or where to find the suspect(s) who committed the crime?
  • Do you know the license plate number of the vehicle the suspect(s) were in?
  • Did the incident occur on a state freeway, highway or route?
  • Did the incident involve firearms (used by a suspect or taken in a theft)?
  • Did the incident involve theft of a motor vehicle or licensed trailer?

If you answered YES to any of the questions, please refer to our for more information on filing a report.
Does the incident you are reporting correspond to one of these categories?
  • Hit and Run (no injury to person)
  • Theft from a building
  • Theft of Services
  • Graffiti
  • Suspicious Activity
  • Lost or mislaid property
  • Theft of Mail
  • Telephone harassment
  • Identity Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Fraud
  • Shoplifting

If you answered YES to all of the above questions and the crime falls within one of the listed categories, you are ready to file your report. If the answer is no to any of the above questions or it does not fall within one of the listed categories, please dial (503) 588-5094; for a Marion County Deputy to be dispatched.
Upon completion of this process you will:
  • See the words: "Your online police report has been submitted" showing that your report is complete.
  • Be given a police report reference number.
  • Be able to print a copy of the police report to keep for your records.

What are you Reporting?

Please SELECT from the list below by clicking the row that best reflects the type of report you want to file.

After selecting the report type you can move to the next tab by clicking next or by using the tabs on the top of the screen.

Select Report Type Definition Example Property Vehicles Media MoreNames RequireProperty RequireVehicle
FRAUD Deception which results in personal or financial gain An unknown person uses your credit card number to purchase items in a store; someone forges your signature on a check and there is no suspect information.
GRAFFITI Graffiti damage to property Tagging (spray paint) or graffiti placed on a fence or building. Suspect is unknown.
HIT & RUN PROPERTY Leaving the scene of a non-injury accident without providing required exchange of information Damage caused to a motor vehicle where the driver should have left information but fled the scene without stopping to exchange information. No known suspect or full license plate.
IDENTITY THEFT Obtaining someone else’s personal identifying information and using it to obtain credit, goods or services Obtaining someone else’s personal identifying information and using it to obtain credit, goods or services
LOST OR MISLAID PROP You lost or misplaced your property – it is not stolen You left property on top of your vehicle and took off driving; you can’t remember where you left your property but need to report it for insurance purposes.
SHOPLIFT Stealing items of value from a business Beer run (convenience or other store); stealing any item of value and leaving without paying. No suspect name and no physical force used against employee in the commission of the crime. Does not include a gas drive-off. Suspect is unknown.
SUSPICISOUS ACTIVITY Something occurred that is out of the ordinary and may lead to a crime, or, you think the police should know about it anyway. Activity could include a person or a vehicle. A vehicle drives past your house slowly and quickly leaves after being seen; someone unfamiliar to your neighborhood walks by your house and asks you a strange question; etc. You do not have a suspect name or full license plate, and the activity is no longer in progress.
THEFT BLDNG You were in a public building and were the victim of theft. Someone stole your purse from your shopping cart; while you were at the gym, someone stole your i-pod or cell phone from your locker; etc. Suspect is unknown.
THEFT FROM MV Your property is stolen from a motor vehicle Stolen equipment or belongings from a motor vehicle. No suspect information.
THEFT MAIL Your mail was stolen from your business, home or PO Box Someone stole your mail from your mail receptacle. Suspect is unknown.
THEFT OTHER You were a victim of a theft that does not fit other listed theft categories. Item was stolen from your lawn or porch, your bicycle stolen from parking lot, item stolen from your campsite, etc. Suspect is unknown.
THEFT SERV You are a merchant or business, and someone obtains services with intent to avoid payment Not paying for a meal in a restaurant (“dine and dash”); sneaking into a movie theater without paying; taking of gas, electricity or water; stealing gas from a gas station. Suspect or full license plate is unknown.
VANDALISM Property that is damaged or defaced Smashing a mailbox, throwing a rock through a window, keying a vehicle, etc. No known suspect.
Example An unknown person uses your credit card number to purchase items in a store; someone forges your signature on a check and there is no suspect information.
Example Tagging (spray paint) or graffiti placed on a fence or building. Suspect is unknown.
Example Damage caused to a motor vehicle where the driver should have left information but fled the scene without stopping to exchange information. No known suspect or full license plate.
Example Obtaining someone else’s personal identifying information and using it to obtain credit, goods or services
Example You left property on top of your vehicle and took off driving; you can’t remember where you left your property but need to report it for insurance purposes.
Example Beer run (convenience or other store); stealing any item of value and leaving without paying. No suspect name and no physical force used against employee in the commission of the crime. Does not include a gas drive-off. Suspect is unknown.
Example A vehicle drives past your house slowly and quickly leaves after being seen; someone unfamiliar to your neighborhood walks by your house and asks you a strange question; etc. You do not have a suspect name or full license plate, and the activity is no longer in progress.
Example Someone stole your purse from your shopping cart; while you were at the gym, someone stole your i-pod or cell phone from your locker; etc. Suspect is unknown.
Example Stolen equipment or belongings from a motor vehicle. No suspect information.
Example Someone stole your mail from your mail receptacle. Suspect is unknown.
Example Item was stolen from your lawn or porch, your bicycle stolen from parking lot, item stolen from your campsite, etc. Suspect is unknown.
Example Not paying for a meal in a restaurant (“dine and dash”); sneaking into a movie theater without paying; taking of gas, electricity or water; stealing gas from a gas station. Suspect or full license plate is unknown.
Example Smashing a mailbox, throwing a rock through a window, keying a vehicle, etc. No known suspect.

Who is Making this Report?

Please provide your information below.

Information that is required to complete this tab are marked with a red label.

Personal Information:

First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:



Date Of Birth

DL Number:

DL State:

Contact Information:

If possible, please provide the following:

  • The best address to contact you at.
  • The best phone number for each one listed.
  • The best e-mail address to reach you at.

Address :

Apt #:



Zip Code :

Home Phone :

Cell Phone :

Work Phone :

Email Address :

If you are reporting for a business enter the Business Name:

Where did the Incident Happen?

Please let us know where the incident occured.

Information that is required to complete this tab are marked with a red label.


Address :

Apt #:



Zip Code :

If the location of the incident is the same as the address entered on the previous page, click here.

Time Occurred:

When did the incident take place? Please provide the closest time when the incident occurred.

If you know how long the incident lasted, please enter that as well.

If you cannot provide a timeframe, please use the current time.

Manual Input Range Selector

Start Date:

End Date:

Start Time:

End Time:



Are you able to identify someone involved?

If you are able to provide any information on a suspect, enter any valid information below.

Information that is required to add a person are marked with a red label.

Identification Information:


First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:



Date Of Birth



Involvement Name Identification Description Edit Remove

Was Personal Property Involved?

If any Personal Property was involved, please describe each item below.
You can enter as many items as necessary.
Information that is required to insert an item are marked with a red label.

Property Information:

Reason for Report:

Type of Property:


Reported Value :

Brand Make :



Serial Number:

Applied Number:

Description of Item:


Type Brand Model Description Edit Remove

Vehicle Information

If any Vehicles were involved, please describe each item below.
You can enter as many items as necessary.
Information that is required to insert an item are marked with a red label.

VIN and License Plate Number are marked as required, however only one of them needs to be entered to be able to save the vehicle.

Vehicle Information:



Vehicle year:

License Plate Number:

LP State:

Vin Number:

Vehicle Style:

Vehicle Type:

Damage Amount:

Color Top:

Color bottom:

Description of Item:

Vehicle Year Make Model License Plate Edit Remove

Tell Us What Happened

Please describe the crime and provide as much detailed information as you can about the case and any other information that you feel is important to the investigation of the case.

You will have an opportunity to put more detailed information about vehicles and property later in the report.


Upload Images

If there are any images that can be associated with this report, the images can be included by clicking the Choose File button.

Image Comment Remove

Summary of Incident

Please review the summary of the case, and verify that the information is correct.

If any information is not correct, click the edit button above the information you want to edit.

If you start a new report without submitting this one, you will have to re-enter the information.

If all of the information shown is correct click the "Submit Report" button. You will be shown your case reference number and be able to print the report.


Your report has been successfully submitted and will be reviewed by the agency. If you would like a printed copy of the preliminary report please select the "Print Report" button.